Friday, May 4, 2012

Written on my Heart

The years I have spent in Gods word is still with me.  It is sharper than a two edged soared.  It convicts, builds up and guides.

When I am distressed or depressed Gods words comes back to me.  It serves me well.  The Lord has written it on my heart.  When I meditate on Gods word and His character to say it out loud increases our faith.  Meditate on it day and night.

When my thoughts are wayward I speak truth to myself.  It seems as it is a battle going on.  Gods truth always wins.  Resisted the Devil and flea from him and he will flea from you.  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Gods word is Jesus.  He is rich and full and satisfying.   Be filled of the fountain of the words of God and His love for you.   He will speak to you through His word.

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