Thursday, March 8, 2012

Never Alone

Never Alone

All I am wanting to do is sleep.  I don't think it is depression.  Even though these last few days have been really hard.    When I am like this I feel really alone.  I can't enter into relationship.  Do activities or my duty.
I have no energy mentally or physically to do anything.  I can't even concentrate enough to read.  I tried to listen to sermons but I fall asleep.  The other night I was talking to my daughter and I fell asleep on the phone with her.  Then later with a friend.
My husband says I talk drugged.  I think my medication needs lowering.  Sometimes the better you are feeling the less medication you need.  I have a call into my doctor.
This feeling of being alone is the hardest thing to cope with.  No one can really walk with me through this.  I wonder why the Lord does not remove it?  But one thing I know is He walks with me through this.  He may not remove the hard circumstances but He does walk with me through them.  I am never alone.  One thing, with the help of the Spirit, I am able to do.  I am able to fix my eyes on the Father and His love for me.    He is relentless and never changing.  I can rest there.  In His precious affections for me.  My mind may say I am alone.  But my heart tells me I am

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