Sunday, December 30, 2012

We All Want Change

He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

This time of the new year brings the hope for change. A better year than last year. Lose weight. Stop those nagging addictions. Exercise and eat healthy. Be better organized. Love better. Hopefully sin less.
I can tell you I don't see true and lasting change come by New Years Resolutions. We start out with a bang and then the old pattern seep back in. We get tired of trying harder to be better. We give up and give in.

The change I see in my life comes through in several ways. These ways are...

Time spent in the presence of the Lord. Through prayer, meditation and receiving His love for me. Letting His word be written on my heart, The ongoing communion, unbroken union and reliance on the person of Christ and the Love of the Father brings about a likeness, faith, trust, a 
rest in Christ. A relationship like no other. A delighting and enjoying the trinity. 

Daily repentance. It is a turning from independence to dependence on God. A dying to my will and pride and growing in desiring His will and humility. It is like a walking, repentance, faith, left foot right foot. This can be a slow change or it can be life changing. I have a change of mind or heart through the work of the Spirit in me. What I believe affects everything I do.

Experiences, good but also through suffering. Suffering is a training, It brings, wisdom, thankfulness, strength in weakness, joy and peace in all circumstances. A longing for Christ and not the things of this world. You tire of having your own way in your own strength. It breaks you, humbles you, gives you a contrite heart. It teaches you what is important in life and what is fleeting with the things to be left behind. You identify with Christ. Your life brings Glory to God.

We not only influence others but others influence us. We see their example and make a conscience decision to be like them or not.

Live in the moment. Not that I don't plan but I don't want to waste today waiting for a tomorrow that never comes. To live in regret of a yesterday I can do nothing about.

The truth of the gospel in our everyday life. Through Christ life, death and resurrection we have the same power that raised Christ from the dead. He left His Spirit so that He might live His life through us.

There is always change for the worse or the better. Because of God and His grace and faithfulness to us...we change for the better.

1 comment:

  1. I love the conclusion to you'er post.

    "The truth of the gospel in our everyday life. Through Christ life, death and resurrection we have the same power that raised Christ from the dead. He left His Spirit so that He might live His life through us.

    There is always change for the worse or the better. Because of God and His grace and faithfulness to us...we change for the better."



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