Monday, December 24, 2012

God loves Presents

God loves Presents...

The Widow’s Gift

21 And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. 2 And He saw a poor widow putting [a]in two [b]small copper coins. 3 And He said, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them; 4 for they all out of their [c]surplus put into the [d]offering; but she out of her poverty put in all [e]that she had to live on.”

I have heard Christmas is not about the presents under the tree it is about Jesus. This is the first Christmas I have seen the connection between our celebration of Christmas and Jesus being born. It seems so obvious now.

From the star on top of the tree that lit the way to Jesus that night. To the celebration with friends and family all through the holidays. Symbolizing the coming of the Shepherds to see the Savior that was born. Then the coming of the wise men to see this King. Bringing gifts, wonderful gifts. It was a celebration.

It was God joining us so we could join Him. He was entering our world in the most humble way. It was a quiet shout from God just how much He loves us and what links He would go to show us that love. There was going to be a separation that had never occurred before to bring us into a unity with the Father, Son and Spirit that would never be separated. The Father was giving His children the first and most wonderful gift that could possibly be given, His Son.

I believe God gets great delight out of giving and receiving presents. It is interesting to me He did not tell the widow, "keep your money, it is all you have, you will need it". He adored her giving, her heart in giving all she had to Him. He not only wants us to give all we have but He wants us to give it with our whole heart. He gave us His heart in His Son. He expects no less from us to Him and to each other. He gave us His dearest gift, our Savior, that keeps on giving.  He gave us all He had.

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