Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Written on our Heart

We picked up my nephew from school. He was so excited he had made an "A" on bible. He then said but I don't want to say my verse. His mom said have you already forgotten it. I told him it was still important to memorize his verses from the bible. I explained that when he got older and was in situations that the Spirit of God that lives in him, would bring the verse to mind and heart that he needed. I said you might not remember it word for word but the meaning and what you need will be in your heart. The Spirit promises to write Gods words on our heart as we read and study. The bible is for all situations of life. Look to His words as His Spirit leads you no matter what the circumstance. The Spirit will impress them on your heart and mind. As you lean into the Gentle Shepard He will guide you with His staff of the living word.

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He placed HIs love on me. It is that love that is seeing me through...

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