Wednesday, May 28, 2014

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill for the Military

If you are not in this area hopefully a NAMI meeting for the military, will come near you.  If you have a need, or know of someone who does, have them contact the National, NAMI or the one in your area and request one asap.  This is the beginning of a great thing.  I have found in my own struggle with skitzo effective disorder diagnosis, that education is major in fighting this battle and being equipped to live a healthy life style.  It is not beyond most of our reach.

Our newest NAMI program NAMI Homefront for family members of military service members, reserves, National Guard, and veterans living with mental illness is being taught right here in the Upstate. It will be first NAMI Homefront course taught in the nation! The FREE course will be taught in Pendleton, SC on 3 consecutive Saturdays beginning on June 14 from 9:30 am- 3:30 pm. We'll teach about the major mental illnesses, especially PTSD, understanding trauma, crisis preparation, communication and problem-solving skills, self-care, and will provide dozens of resources for the families. Pre-registration is required and class size is limited to 25 people. Lunch will be provided. To register, contact Michelle Ready, 864-882-5131, or Our website
NAMI Anderson - Oconee - Pickens South Carolina is a non-profit family support group dedicated to improving conditions for persons with a mental illness.

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