Thursday, October 10, 2013


"That you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ." (Ephesians 3: 17-19)

One day some of the family were having a little argument. We loaded up in the car. As I rounded a curve we came face to face with a bright blue jeep. I saw the young man driving. He seemed to be looking right at me, but he was on my side of the road. I thought: He sees me and will get over. Well he didn't. I quickly ran off the road to my right. Thank You, Lord, there was nothing there.

We sat for a few seconds and caught our breath. As we went on our way my grandson said: "Gosh, when you come that close it really makes you think. We shouldn't ever argue." In a moment of almost losing our lives, my grandson caught the value of life.

What would this world look like for those whose hope is in Christ if we valued each day as if it were our last? Would I give up striving to do better? To be better? Could my eyes be on Jesus and His love for me instead of my sin? Could I not go with the wind of my circumstances or failures? Then rely on my loving heavenly Father to do what I can not do? Would I love with abandonment? Would I know His rest?

Rest can mean body, soul and spirit. I see this as a journey. I have asked the Lord, by His Spirit, to work this in my heart and my life to the fullest measure. I admit to you, there are times I grit my teeth and tighten my shoulders. I used to go to bed for days when my life felt like it was falling apart. I wondered at times if God noticed at all. We can even act like everything is all right, but it just has to come out somewhere. One thing is new. When I go out of His rest, I am aware of it now. I know to whom I must go, and what I am to believe.

The single most important thing to know is that God loves you. There are no conditions to His love. No thing or no one can separate you from His love. Christ met all the conditions for us. Your sins are forgiven. Because of the Spirit of God in our hearts by faith, we may be able to comprehend the love of God. It is beyond our imagination.

Knowing this comes by experience. When this truth is realized, you are changed, and keep on changing. His desires are your desires. Your priority is to be with the only One who can love you perfectly. But you just have to go sing the song to someone else. You will spread this good news to other captives. It is contagious. Wherever it seems this life takes you, God is in control, and He is there. He is your rest.

Lord, I want to rest in you. I want to give up the striving to do what I can't do. It is in Your love that I want to hide myself. Give me the faith to trust You more.

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