Saturday, January 5, 2013

Praying in Faith

I was just asking myself if I pray with faith, with expectation? Do I pray about things that are impossible for me to do in my own strength. God is in the miracle business.

I prayed, and ask others to pray for me in a particular relationship. Not really expecting anything near what God did in answer to that prayer. When He answered in an amazing way I was so surprised by Grace. I saw I do not pray expecting God to do above and beyond anything I hoped for or imagined.

Now I need grace and wisdom to know how I am going to respond to this answer to prayer. I know God expects something of me to live out this amazing happening. He is opening doors. Now I want to be led by God's Spirit to the path I am to take. I want it to be for others and for the Kingdom of God.

God tells us He will answer our prayers if we pray according to His will. Sometimes we don't even know how to pray. But the Spirit groans for us and prays in ways we do not know. He leads us in prayer. We limit our lives by living in the limits of our own strength. God wants us to live in the power of God. To live in things we cannot accomplish. To live by faith in Him and His goodness. Be ready to step out of the box. Think big. Think Gods ways are not our ways. Put fear of failure and of new things out of your mind. Be willing to move out of your comfort zone into the impossible.

God lives in and through us. Jesus said you will do more that I have done on earth. The reason is He left us His Spirit to empower and guide us. That is His glory.

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