For any of you who wonder if you have value because of your struggle with mental disorders of any kind may this encourage you and those who love and care for them.
My friend Penny commented on this post. She is with our Lord and I think of her so very often. She taught me that every day is a gift. Just those few words have kept me smiling in difficulty many times.
So if your life, especially in this time of isolation, remember no matter your struggle God can make each day a gift.
May this not only encourage the individual with any kind of struggles mentally as I do, but also the family, the teachers who give hope and encouragement these individuals can and will be used in this life in a great and significant way if only given hope, faith and love. We all need someone to believe in us.
I also think of those who may be struggling with addictions who may not be able to do the things that helped you do the things that helped you battle this struggle. Don't give up. Talk to friends. Find a way to remember you can be victorious still. If you failed pick yourself up...Reach out to others...Know the Love God has for you and ask Him to be your strength. To guide you daily as you take one step after another. Reach out to those less fortunate than you. It will bless and strengthen you as you are to others.
There is no shame in any of these situations. They are not a respecter of persons.
Being in church may not be possible but it maybe. We meet outside with a social distance. We need each other. Do what you can to reach out to those who Love the Lord and that can support you and you them. Write notes, make phone calls, listen to encouraging videos, be an encouragement on social media. Organize your environments. Enjoy nature, be creative. Take a walk, sing a song, meditate on the goodness you have been blessed with. Don't hesitate to ask for prayer and journal the good and the hard. You will be glad you made every day count. My goal has been to encourage one person a day. To pray for others when I couldn't get out of bed. Plant something that you can watch grow. Play in the dirt. Feel the earth under your feet and remember the one that named the stars for He loves you and is faithful. Read Gods word and ask for wisdom. Discuss it with someone you respect, Don't go it alone....
Get on your knees at the end of another day.
Tell Him when you don't think you can make it God hears no matter what you may feel or is an assurance.
Enjoy God and others...It is worth the fight!
DON"T GIVE UP!!!!!!!
I may sound like I have a handle on this but I don't. I am limping along side you! One step of faith after another.
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