Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this question ask.  The response I usually hear is there are no good people.

I don't think any would doubt who is of the christian faith, that apart from God in Christ we are nothing.  We are depraved through and through and deserve hell.  It is by grace and grace alone you are saved.  We are to die to the flesh and live to the Spirit.  It is a daily walk of leaning into Jesus.

I think on Job here.

God ask Satan have you considered my servant Job.  He is blameless in all his ways and he fears the Lord.  God was saying Job is a good man.

What did Jobs friends say?

Jobs friends accused him of sinning.  Of piety and self righteousness.  They were quick to judge Job.  To tell him what he was doing wrong.  This was the reason God had turned his back on Job.  Job deserved it.

What were some of the reasons for suffering in Jobs life.  These are a few of my thoughts.

1.God would be glorified

2.Job would see God more clearly and himself more clearly.

3.God's greatness was so magnified to Job
   His fear of God grew.

4.Job would learn humility

5.Job would forgive and pray for his friends.

6.God rebuked Jobs friends and was angry with them.

7.God accepted Jobs prayer for his friends.

8.God blessed Job more than he ever had been before.

9.God brought Job into a deeper intimacy with Him 

10.God brought more blessing to Job than he had before

Job did not suffer because of his sin.  Job suffered because God loved Him.  God does not repay what we deserve but gives us grace and mercy and kindness.

Job said I have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.  The fear of the Lord, a holy awe in God, was greater than ever in Job.

Job did despise himself because he too questioned God's greatness and love for him.  Job repented in ashes.

God brought beauty out of ashes for Job

My friend when suffering comes your way...yes have God search your own heart for Him.  Repent of any known sin.  But do not question Gods goodness and love for you.  There are many reasons we suffer in this life.

Friends of those suffering.  Please be slow to speak and quick to listen.  Do not immediately accuse someone of sinning.  God does not repay evil for evil but evil with good. There are consequences in this life to our sin.  But God is not angry with us because of Jesus.

Your God is so for you.  If you are in that deep valley of despair and depression know your Father cares and loves you.  He is so for you.  You are not alone in the darkness.  Reach out to God and to others.  There is help.

When you have sinned ask Jesus to forgive you and trust in Him.  You are a child of the King.  You may struggle with sin and the old nature but you are a good person.  You are a saint.  You are the righteousness of Christ.  You can do good and serve God with a heart full of love because Jesus lives in you. It is for His glory.  It is not you alone but you trusting in Christ.  That He is enough.  That He has given you a new heart and a new mind.  He has given you the righteousness of Christ.  You are His most treasured creation and He delights in you.

So don't go through your life beaten down and defeated.  You are victorious in Jesus.  You can do all things through Christ who died for you.  You are amazing and created for His glory and His purposes.  He is so for you.  You are unique and have so very much value.  Live like a child that is loved, protected, cherished and accepted just as you are.  You are not an orphan you are adopted.  Special.  Because Jesus lives in you and you are in Him.

May He strengthen you in His might.  May He give you courage to stand for those who are broken and mistreated.  Those who are sick and afraid.  Do not give in to fear but in faith chose to follow Him into the valleys and the mountaintops of this life of faith.  He will surely bless you and equip you to do what you cannot do on your own.

Please do not isolate or beat yourself up for your past.  God is forgiving and loving.  He sees your sin no more.  It has been paid for in full.  Nothing is wasted.

My heart grieves how we have judged our own brothers and sisters.  How we have shut the door to help and communication of the gospel with each other.  We even judge those we think are judging.  If judging is our method we are just like those we judge.  We need Jesus to give us love and wisdom of the true meaning of the gospel, for each other.  And for Him.  To see how grand He is time and time again.  Working it all together forever more for you and to bring His name into greatness in your life.

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