Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Do you want to do something great for God?

How many times have you thought...I want to do something great for God?  I have...I remember many years ago.  The Promise Keeper movement had started.  I met with a friend.  The secretary of my Pastor, at the time.  We were living in Arkansas.  My family and I attended a mega church.  They did and do great things for God.

When the invitation came, one Sunday night.  My co-writer, Martha and I went down to the alter.  We dedicated ourselves to ministry.  It has been amazing how God brought that about, as Martha and I have been writing for Whispers and Desperate Delight together for years.  I would not be writing this blog today without her.

During the meeting with my other friend.  The pastors secretary.  We talked about doing a Promise Keeper for women.  I was so on fire for Jesus.  I wanted to tell the world about the gospel.  We did have a great gathering during that time.  People repented and the gospel was preached.  But I was wanting something greater.

Thinking back.  I wanted a stadium full of women.  With different lady christian speakers.  I hoped for a grand movement all across the country.  We frequently prayed for revival at our church.  Our pastor was awesome.  I learned to think big and to pray in faith, while attending that great church. This is a good thing.  I am not discouraging great things for God but to encourage you, right where you are.  You can be used by God today.

The meeting did not turn out as we expected.  My pastors secretary and I realized it was not the time for us to have such a ministry.

That did not stop my zeal or my vision.  I bought it to South Carolina with me.  I have had thoughts of doing great things for God with  my girls.  That we would write a book.  It seems everyone wants to write a book.  Lots and lots of people have written books.

In my dreams, my girls and I would give our stories of Gods faithfulness to our family.  I did write a small devotional book.  Do some public speaking.  But neither of these visions have come true.  I realized I could keep waiting to do something big for God.  But tomorrow, may never come.

Understanding the heart of the gospel is not, what I can do for God, but what God, in Christ, has done for me.  I  have rest in the finished work of Christ for me, more and more.  This life is a struggle and a rest.  A struggle and a rest.  Paul compares it to giving childbirth.  Waiting for our redemption.   It is in this realization ...I just cannot be quiet about Jesus.

Don't wait to be the perfect christian...there are none
Don't wait until there are no struggles
Don't wait for there to be this great opportunity knocking at your door.
Don't wait for you circumstances to be what you think they should be.
Don't wait for tomorrow.
Enjoy God in the process!

Speak truth, wait on Jesus to work, feel compassion, encourage and look for the opportunity you have today.  Look for how you can meet the need of the person you are with at the moment.

God will bring into your life today.  Go into this world, any way you can and pray for God to send who He will for you to encourage and guide.  For you to speak life to them.  A dying, busy, preoccupied, worried, anxious world.  I remember a time I could not get out.  God brought people to mind.  I wrote emails, cards, made phone calls.  Seek to be bold and adventurous.  Be creative and ask Jesus to be creative through you.  To love the  unloveable in such a way.  Others will know something is different.  They will ask you, "what is your hope" in many different ways.  Be ready to give an answer.  Christ.

A couple of months ago, I began to surrender my days to Jesus.  I would ask Him and the Father for surprises.  I began to see the stress of peoples lives in their faces.  I wanted to encourage them.

I remember talking to a young girl, as she checked out my purchase, in a local store.  She had such a sad look on her face.  I began a conversation with her.  Telling her how much I appreciated what she did.  How long would it be before she got off work.   Whether she was having a long day or not.  Then I looked into her eyes.  It was as though I knew she loved Jesus.  I ask her.  Do you love Jesus?   She said, yes.

The young girl remarked.  I am just here waiting for Jesus to use me.  To show me, what He wants me to do.  I was so excited to tell her, " you are doing it".  Don't wait for that big opportunity to be used by God.  God is using you right where you are.  As you give a smile, great service and the love of Christ to those, right now, right here.  You are doing something great for Jesus.

I still remember the smile on her face and the tears that came to her eyes.  She gave me and a hug and  said really?

I said yes, absolutely.
Don't wait until tomorrow.

Give Jesus to the people you come in contact with today,
right where you are,
right here,
right now,

He placed HIs love on me. It is that love that is seeing me through...

Dear friends I have prayed for you many times that you may not lose heart. Phil 4:13 Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through a...

"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7