I thought recently all these years of Gods word and study, in my heart it has done nothing. It has not impacted my life. It has not made a change in me. I do not believe that is so. I believe that Gods word does not come back void. That it accomplishes what it is meant to accomplish. For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
I do not think we can force, push or hurry the purposes of God in our lives. If we have been in the word, Jesus, then we are at an advantage because the Spirit brings these words of scripture to our heart and mind when we need them to direct us and give us wisdom and give us Jesus. It is life. But Gods timing is perfect. He has a plan and we cannot alter it, cancel it out or make it so. God is in charge and He will do what He will do to glorify Himself and to do good to us.
Jesus is the word of God. I believe He is the voice of God. The word became flesh. That whenever God spoke it was Jesus voice speaking it. I have studied this and believe this to be so. The Spirit spoke into the heart of man and gave the word, Jesus. The scriptures are God breathed. The scriptures are to point us to the person of Christ, the gospel. That is the purpose of scripture. It is not a rule book on how to live although it does this to. It is all about knowing and having an intimate relationship with Jesus. It is Jesus love letter to us His beloved, His bride about how He has come to rescue us into a life of love with Him, Father and Spirit now, an abundant life, a life of fullness in Him, and throughout eternity. We are forever His.
As I did, you can study the scriptures, even become prideful in your knowledge, or it can point you to Him. You can study to be smarter or to know the Person of Jesus and God and Spirit. Only Jesus and His grace determines when you trust and surrender to His love and plan for your life. All you can do is drag along. Trusting Him when He gives you the faith and hanging on for goodness sake. His word refines and points us to the only one who can give us life. The one who has given His life for us to have that life. We cannot rush it or push it along in our timetable. Gods timing is perfect. His purposes are all working together. It is much bigger than is visible to our heart and mind. The one thing we can do to hinder the gospel is to try to control even if we think it is for a good reason or purpose. But He even works all that together. I was so into controlling my life I limited my world to nothing. There was a time I had rather live in a prison of my predicted world, my comfort, than to step out in the unpredictability of the uncertain world of faith and freedom. When we give up control we give free reign to the work of God in our life. He brings us to this point. It is all of grace. It is usually through pain and suffering in releasing the control we so fight to keep. When the suffering is going on you may doubt God, get angry at Him, run from Him and fall into a victim mentality. But when your eyes are opened to the glory and love of God in Christ Jesus you feel of the most blessed.
You wonder what are all these words about and what am I trying to say. God is in control. He will do it as He wills and sees fit, when He sees fit. He wills it so. We are blessed because we are chosen and we are His and a part of the plan to reveal His beauty. Praise Him for this and don't stop praising Him or giving Him the glory He is so due.
.John 5:39-40 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. Jesus is the word, the life, the way, the truth of God.
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