One of Deborah's writings from the past ...
"More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the
surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have
suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I
may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of
my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith." (Philippians 3:8-9)
I remember my grandchildren lying on their backs looking up to the sky.
They yelled and pointed at the clouds taking on different shapes,
floating freely across the sky. You could see the wind shape and move
the clouds. The children laughed, calling out, "A puppy!" "A snow
man!" A fish or bird or angel.
Do you ever say, "I just want
to be free"? We take on the shape of our beliefs in God, our new heart,
and receiving God's love. We are even influenced by our environment and
past. But we are not left to that end.
I have thought my
freedom would come by being perfect. I longed for peace. Sounds like a
good thing, doesn't it? The Spirit has shown me the dangers in this
over the years. Trying to keep the peace at all cost determined what I
said and what I did. I sought things to bring me peace and appear
perfect. I hid and denied my failures. I pleased men over God. I
lived in fear and would not speak truth. It was most deceptive. I now
see that the only true peace, perfection, and freedom, is in Christ
Ephesians talks about who we are in Christ. We are
new men and women. We are brought near to God by the blood of Christ.
His Spirit lives in us, and we live in relationship with the Father,
Son, and Spirit.
Our freedom was bought for us at the cross.
Christ bought us out of darkness to light. We are forgiven. We have
Christ's righteousness. His perfect record and life is ours. We are
co-heirs with Christ. We have an inheritance from God. We have eternal
life. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God
is no longer angry with us. His wrath on sin that was due to us was
taken out on His Son on the cross. He was the perfect sacrifice. We
can serve the Living God with a clear conscience. Christ satisfied our
holy God's demand for righteousness. So now we can enter the throne of
grace in freedom and confidence. We are children of the King! We are
seated with Him in the heavenlies. We are totally free.
Paul explained this freedom, men questioned: "So does that mean we are
free to sin?" Paul says, "Heaven forbid. You understand nothing." In
the Greek it says, "May it never be." (See Romans 6:15)
this freedom and love of the gospel takes hold of our hearts, it changes
us from the inside out. We begin to live in the freedom of who we
truly are. We take on new beauty. New love. New hope. New life. New
joy. New Peace. Our striving to be something we are not is over. We
are honest about our sin, but our focus is on Christ. Our relationship
with God, and the truth of the gospel sustains us. It is His
righteousness not ours. Nothing we do can commend us to God. Freedom
is in the struggle against sin. Then finding rest is in Him, you
finally come to the conclusion that no matter what happens in your life,
"God is good." This brings a new obedience from the heart that you had
never thought possible. An incredible longing for God to fill your
whole heart.
Thank you Lord for setting our hearts free in you. May all glory and honor and praise be to You.
Monday, November 11, 2013
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