Saturday, August 3, 2013

What Do You Know?

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

I love to think.  I probably do it too much.  I also love to learn.  It could become an idol I know.  When I was younger I use to study a lot.  Then when I got sick I could not read, comprehend, absorb what I read or remember it.  So I did not read much for many years.  About 20.

The mind is a beautiful thing.  We have the mind of Christ.  We are to renew our minds.  I hope I never get to where I take advantage of my healthy mind.  A man is so he thinks.  If he believes he is Gods child and is righteous then that is the way he goes through his day.  It is by grace through faith that we are saved.

I am not talking about the power of positive thinking.  I am talking about filling your mind with the truths of the gospel over and over again.   We can know something in our mind and not know it in our heart.  It takes the work of the Spirit for it to change us.  It is the difference in mans effort and Gods power.

It is important to speak truth to each other but I like to make people think.  I like to have them search their conscience, lives, heart, think of scripture, theology, the gospel, the mind of Christ.  I believe when they discover truth and knowledge for themselves it makes a difference in them remembering it and it impacting them in a heart way.  I like to ask questions rather than tell facts.  I don't always know the answers to the questions I ask.   We have interacted together to understand and agree or not.   Come let us reason together.  I believe if truth cannot be challenged and withstand it is not truth.  Gods word stands forever.  His truth never fails.

I like to know what makes people tick.  What is going on in their heart and in their heads, why they do what they do.  So a man thinks in his heart so he is.   If a man has anger in his heart he is guilty of murder.  What is he thinking?  What is in that mind of his?  Only God knows the heart of man.

Repentance is a change of mind, a change of thinking, a knowledge.  It is when we "see" as we have never seen before.  The Spirit opens our eyes.  It changes our whole direction of living.  You shall know the "truth" and the truth shall set you free.

Adam knew Eve and God knew them.  This is an intimate knowing.  Every human being, wants to be loved, accepted, valued and known.  One of the greatest desires of God is for us to "KNOW" Him.  A lot of people know my husband and all about him. They have read about him and our life.  They do not have a personal relationship with him necessarily.

One of the awesome things about eternity, always learning and never completely knowing.  What a mystery.  How fascinating.  Intriguing.  What Fun!  I believe God gets a kick out of our light bulbs being turned on!

I do not think we can fathom the depths of the love of God for us, His child.  We are so limited.  He is so infinite yet He reveals the truth of the gospel to our hearts.  As we call out to Him, He tells us great and mighty things.  It is that love through the Spirit that opens our hearts and minds, teaches us  the gospel. We must remember and remind each other of the gospel.  We forget.  We continue to live this life of faith the way we began it.  In the gospel. The gospel is a Person, Jesus.   Only Gods love lets us know that we know that we know in our heart that He is risen and that power, that love, that righteousness lives in us.

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