There is someone I love who I was around for awhile recently. It seemed every time I said something to him, he said I know. It was so much so it was very noticeable to others. I began to think about people that not only think they are right all the time but they pretty much are right. We use to call people like that a know it all, when I was young. Finishing with she is never wrong.
Can being right be wrong? I began to look at my own life. I don't do a lot of talking. I mostly listen and write my thoughts. When that is the case you have time to make sure what you are writing is right as much as you can tell. Then I thought who likes to be around a know it all. Besides aren't we suppose to be about relationships, with each other and God Himself? Pretty much in a conversation when the right answer is given it will cause the relationship to end. There is nothing more to say. It is a quick way to shut everyone up.
I thought of the pride and arrogance of thinking you are smart enough to give other people what you think is right. Who determines right from wrong anyway? There are many times I have thought things were wrong and God used it in more of a good way than if what I wanted happened. Sometimes I think we think right is the decision that causes the less pain. Maybe even the easiest. How often do I pray and ask the Spirit what I should do? Get wisdom from wise friends? Not enough. I try to come up with solutions on my own. I use to think anything that keeps the peace is what is the right thing to do. Well sometimes an argument is just what the conversation needs. Relationships are usually stronger after both parties repent to God and each other.
Is a person that always knows the right thing to do in their eyes and others a black and white person? Is it a person who is legalistic. They have a low view of the laws of God because they have lower them to something they can keep. God came to fulfill the law and increase the law when He said to love Him with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. Is that the right answer to every question. It is neither circumcision nor uncircumcision that counts but faith working through love. We are no longer under the law but it is written on our heart. The law of love by faith. The only way we can love is for Jesus to love through us. It is His love that we love with and trust God with the outcome. We are powerless apart from God. It seems the older I get the less I know. God has stripped me of all the things I depend on to work but Him. There I go trying to figure things out again. Life is personal and relational so there is no pat answer to anything but "Jesus".
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