Sunday, December 17, 2017

A Love Hate Relationship...

A Time to Remember...

In reading others post it seems extreme to say, but to a degree, we have a love/hate relationship with the holidays.

Searching my own heart...I wonder what is Christmas to me or what should it be in preparing for the time with family and friends?

I miss my father and mother and unborn child.  Does this mean I don't like or enjoy Christmas.  Sure it brings memories to mind that may grieve me over their loss but does Jesus leave me there?

Decorating in the past has been fun at times and a chore at others?  What is the difference in my heart toward Christmas?

Loving giving is not a bad thing.  The wise men brought wonderful gifts to Jesus.  Jesus loves giving us gifts.  Of course, He is the greatest gift of all Himself.  I love giving gifts, as well.

In thinking on these things I wonder what I can give this Christmas to Jesus and others that is lasting and meaningful.

Jesus came to get our hearts?  This is at the heart of Christmas.  I wonder...Do we give the Lord our whole heart in this life?  Or is it a continuing giving Him our heart over and over again until we see Him face to face.

I ask myself what holds my heart.  The world will tell us do not taste, do not touch.  Jesus tells us we are in Him and He is in us.  That all wisdom is in trusting in Him alone.  That the Father can and does turn the heart of man.

The stronger our faith, the warmer our love and the greater our comfort.  Matthew Henri.  The faith he spoke of was trusting in Jesus.

We are not to be of this world but be transformed of the renewing of our minds.

The more our minds are fixed on Jesus and our salvation the more we are transformed in our living, loving others.  This brings comfort to us. Jesus said doing the will of the Father is real food.  Nothing like a comfort food, right!  Paul said the way you began the christian life to continue in it.  Being Justified and trusting in Jesus alone transforms us.  

We are free to love in radical ways.  In ways of leaving this world and its desires behind that promise a false gospel.  Only in Him do we have true wisdom and comfort.  Only  Jesus can give us true peace and contentment no matter what our circumstances.  It would be wonderful if we could stay at this place all the time.  Or would it?  Jesus is interested in our continual coming to Him.  In personal relationship.  I shared with a grand mom raising 3 children today that Jesus want her to come to Him and share her worries and anxieties with Him.  

The problem comes when we try to have a loving heart without going to Jesus to provide for us, what we need.

Paul was content in having much or little.  He did not come to this place in his life easy.  He suffered at a time to the point of death.  He had a thorn God saw it best to not remove.  He dealt with real pride as we all do.  He did the things he hated and hated the things he did.  He was real.  Real about his struggles.  Real about trusting in Christ alone after trusting in himself but failing.  This is where he found peace.  In his forgiveness of sins and fixing his eyes on Jesus.  On looking toward heaven and the glory to be found in Christ.

So I give the Lord the things that have captured my heart.  He has broken down the walls of pretending to be strong and good apart from Him.  The walls of protection and the fear of man.

Sometimes I shudder when speaking to God.   He is so holy.  But am confronted with the Love so tender and kind, yet so mighty and strong I am silenced.

The most wonderful gift I can give is a heart opening up to Him, to receive the gift given to me... The love of the Father in Jesus and give it and Jesus away...Not only to my family but to those. who I come in contact with in my every day.  I had no idea how a life with the Spirit, Jesus and Father could bring such joy.  I had no idea how our world is starved for encouragement.  Now I  know Jesus can love others through me.

So rejoice and again I say rejoice!...Your King has come.  I pray we are content this Christmas and find comfort in knowing it is Jesus we trust in and not our works nor our present circumstances that will make this a Christmas, a time to remember.

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