Saturday, November 19, 2016

God is whispering for us to be Thankful always

Thankfulness is contagious.

Taste and see that the Lord He is good!

I have been thinking of ways to love even when I do not feel like it.  Feelings are not reliable.  It is hard to be thankful and be depressed.  This is the perfect time of year to spread thankfulness and gratitude.  It is a heart changer.  It begins by turning and humbling of the will to be thankful no matter what.

I have had some neat times with my family and friends.  Jordan, my grandson and I went fishing.  Well mostly him fish and me talk lol.  

We had a good time and he had to return to school.  When he woke the next morning he discovered all his fishing material had been stolen.  He was shocked but admitted it was not good to leave them in the back of his truck.

I gave him time to be sad and talk through it.  Then the next day I shared with him to be thankful.  He had lost his equipment but Jesus has given him so very much.  It just softened his heart and he agreed.

There are times I get down when my heart is not where I want it to be.  We do not have to give in to our feelings but surrender to the will and purposes of God.  We have a new heart and have the mind of Jesus.  He lives His life and love through us to others.  Believing He gives this to us as we turn to Him is one of the most beautiful things.  It is HIs glory when this transformation happens and we live it through us.

We cannot change our heart but we can cooperate with the Spirit.  We humble ourselves before the Lord and ask for repentance.  A changed heart.  His grace to change and His love to pour out through us to a broken world.  We can ask for brokenness for those we know and love.  For God to be gentle please in showing them and us our need for the Savior.  Rest before Him until His mercy and grace works a wonder of love and thanksgiving in us.

It is about an intimate relationship with God and others. It is about sustaining grace with joy instead of deliverance from troubles.  It is entering the dance of diving glory of heaven and spreading it here on earth through the Spirit by Jesus and us.  It is giving the love of God to an unlovely world made perfect.  Our Savior is rescuing us from a self centered life that relinquishes our control.

God is so serious about this thankfulness He writes about in HIs word, He decided to give us a banquet party. Thanksgiving.  Start today being thankful and spreading it in the world to those around you.  In all things give thanks.  God uses it all for good and beauty and wonder in His time and His purpose, where those around you praise Him.

The gift of Jesus brings a grateful heart always.  Accepting His plan for your life as a gift from a loving Father brings contentment, thankfulness and rest.  His grace is sustaining happiness beyond anything this world has to offer.  This is a gift of faith we ask for, that comes at times, trusting His love beyond struggles.  Thankfulness in suffering and struggles is the eclipse of His glory.  It is finally grasping the love of God beyond any circumstance.  His care and love for you beyond His very own life.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Fight the good Fight

Fight the Good Fight

“What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]
    the things God has prepared for those who love him—

Last week I had a bad headache and slept night and day and night.  My son came and got me out of bed and on to a bobcat chopping wood to try to steer away the depression that had set in and made me motionless.

It was amazing what the outdoors and the labor did for my mental attitude.  Did for my heart, my health.

He talked to me about how hard it is to do the thing you know will make you better.  That it is not easy to make yourself get up and do things that you have no energy or seemingly will to do it.  That is where Christ comes in.  Doing what you cannot do.

My daughter said she does the hard thing because she likes the outcome.

I have gone through years of pulling my boot straps up and making myself suck it up and just do the right thing.  I think I did it for all the wrong reasons.  I did it for me.  For me to succeed and look good and be right.  It was the heart that led me to bitterness and anger and hard heart when I did not get the result I wanted.

Now I may suffer to do the right thing but it is for the glory of God.  What He can do with and in me.

A heart He can transform in me that does things to enjoy God and others.  To not labor in vain but bring light to a dark world.  To show the goodness of God and hope when there seems to be no hope at all.  To do the hard next thing...That brings about joy and union with Jesus.


It is odd to me how we have to fight to have a normal life.  Hard work, giving to others, eating good food, sunshine, enjoying each other in good relationships that help you grow, laugh and care.  Focus on each other and God more than ourselves and the media.  Enjoying nature and fresh air.  Using life to build memories that will never fade away.  Learning to meditate and rest and ponder what life is and who people are and how to invest in them all.


God has a work He has planned to do in you and He will bring it to competition no matter what.  It will be brought forth by His love and His Spirit, by Jesus.  He will bring the fruit as you trust and surrender it will be beautiful even in the suffering.

I don't care what it takes, but if you get down, grab hold of someone, think... finish the race.  We do not give up, give in, quit, but do what it takes to keep on keeping on.  There is a prize and His name is Jesus and He holds on to you and He will never ever let you go.  Move into the very core of His being, into His heart where you enter into HIs suffering by yours.

Park daily in Gods word and the Spirit will write it on your heart.  Scripture will be there when you need it.  Pray continually and ask for help and rescue and glory to bring forth goodness He purposes.   Pouring my thoughts out on paper to Jesus daily and giving them to Him brings such peace.


He placed HIs love on me. It is that love that is seeing me through...

Dear friends I have prayed for you many times that you may not lose heart. Phil 4:13 Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through a...

"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7