Sunday, April 20, 2014
Christ Has Risen
I hope each and everyone of you had a blessed Easter. I am aware some may not have been able to be with family but we all, all of His children, were with Him. I am reminded tonight at the end of this Lent and Easter Season some of the things that the cross means to the believer, the child of God.
On the cross Jesus took our sin and gave us His perfect life. We have the righteousness of Christ put inside us, imputed to us. Our sins are forgiven past, present and future. When the Father looks at us He does not see us as a sinner but a Saint. He sees His Son's perfect life. We are forgiven, righteous, already. God does not see in time as we do. He sees it as already done. Jesus said on the cross, it is finished.
Jesus lived the life we should have lived but could not live. He died the death we should have died. That perfect death and life was credited to us. We received grace for forgiveness of our sins when Jesus died on the cross. Now we receive the grace to live the Christian life. To trust in Gods Son Jesus and not ourselves or the things of this world. We have the same Spirit living in us that raised Jesus from the dead. His same power lives in us. In our weakness we are made strong in Him. By trusting in Him. Jesus broke the bondage of sin, death and the evil one for us.
We can now live not marked by the sins of others or dragged down by our own sins but in the freedom of the Gospel of Jesus. We do not have to respond in sin when someone else sins against us. We do not have to be a product of our past. We do not have to live in the shame and guilt of our past and present sins but love God and love others. We can live knowing that He uses our mistakes for good. That even those things that have been broken can be better than they were before being lost because of Him. He redeems the life of the believer making all things right. Us giving to Him our sin and Him bringing beauty out of ashes.
We are the child of the King. He has set His gaze on us before time. He sent His Son to come and get us and bring us into the family of God, forever secure. Gods anger on our sin was turned on His Son. My God, my God why have you forsaken me. God turned His back on His One and only Son that He may never turn His back on us. We are made right with God because of Jesus. We can have a close, intimate, honest relationship with God, the Father. We are in Christ and the Spirit of the Father and Son now live in us. Now we live in joy and peace and freedom with Him, Father, Son and Spirit and with others. Asking for forgiveness from God and from others. Our lives have been restored to God and can be with many others by the power of His love. For His glory. We love because He first loved us.
So many we live in the resurrection power of the Gospel of Jesus my friends, brothers and sisters. All to the glory of God!
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