Proverbs 23:7a
For as he thinks within himself, so he is.
What do you believe about yourself?
Do you believe you are completely righteous, holy, blameless, forgiven, accepted, loved. Do you believe you have a purpose. That your life is meaningful. That you are beautiful. You were created in the image of God.
Do you believe Jesus lives in you. That this is a great mystery He wants to reveal to you. You live in Him. You have the Spirit of the Father and Son living in you. He will never forsake or leave you because that would mean He was leaving Himself. Nothing can separate you from this unfathanable
love that is beyond our comprehension. He will give you this love for Him. It is a beautiful exchange. He loves you, you love Him because He loved you first. The Father loves you as much as He loves His own Son. He wants you to drink in His love so much that you overflow with it. It cannot be stopped nor defeated. You can love the unloveable. You can do greater things than Jesus did while He was on earth because He gave you the Spirit. All things are possible through Christ. You can do anything because of Him who strengthens you in your weakness. The same power that raised Christ from the dead on the cross lives in you. You live from the place of victory. He will fight your battles for you. Satan is defeated. He has no power over you. He cannot touch you unless your Heavenly Father sees it will be good for you and for His glory. He redeems. He makes right, wrongs. He brings beauty from ashes. Your life will be a window into His Grace. You will be a trophy for all to see Him through you.
Your Father is in control of everything that happens to you. Everything is sifted through fingers of love so deep that the scars are still on His hands. Everything in your life, even your sin, will be used for your good and His glory. You are forgiven. He remembers it no more. But when the Father looks on you He does not see your sin. He sees the beauty and holiness and righteousness of Christ. He said it is finished. You are complete. You are lacking nothing that the Father has not given you. You are unique. He designed work for you to do before you were born. None of your suffering is wasted. He has compassion for you. He felt your pain, suffering and sin on the cross. He will give you a broken and contrite heart. He loves that about you. Your humility that is actually His. Your love for others that He places within you. He gave you over to sin that you might know Him. He desires for you to know Him. How else would you know His mercy except at the cross where He gave His very Son to die for you. He sent His Son to come and get you. He knows everything about you. He wanted you to join in the dance and love relationship between the Father, Son and Spirit. They had so much love they knew there would be delight in sharing it with you. It pleased the Father for His Son to suffer and die and bring you to Him. He is not angry with you. It was taken out on His Son on the cross. He felt that anger from an Almighty God and His wrath. He was separated from His Father. He was rejected for you never had that happened before and never to happen again. He did this so you will never be separated. He endured for the joy set before Him. You are that joy. The Father planned it and the Son carried it out as the Father shared this plan with Jesus. He sent His Son because of His great love and desire for you.
He rescues you and you are free. When you wonder from Him He is courting you back to His side. He is wooing you, drawing you. He will not let you go to far from Him. His love won't let you go.
You are adopted, chosen, the child of the King of the Universe. He has given you everything you need for righteousness and Godliness. He will meet your every need. You are seated at the right hand of your Father with Jesus. Everything that is His is yours. You share in the inheritance. You share in His glory. He will give you a crown you can lay at His feet. You will grow in knowing Him for eternity. You have eternal life with Him and the saints. You are His bride. You can do nothing apart from Him.
He wants you to have continual, ongoing relationship with Him. Where your thoughts become His thoughts. Your will becomes His will. You are one. You will lean into Him and press into Him and He will just know your thoughts before they are on your mind. You will trust Him and know He is so for you. Your prayers will not cease. Not that you talk to Him all day long but you share your being with Him. It is a love relationship between a Father and His children. A husband and His bride. This is the church. He will give you peace and joy beyond comprehension as you learn to trust Him. You will delight in one another. You will sing and dance and party. You will long for His presence as you ache inside for His nearness and rest. It maybe a struggle at times to trust Him but He will give you faith as you ask Him. You will not always be faithful but He will ALWAYS be faithful to you. He will give you promises and wisdom and knowledge and gifts to serve and love. Your delight will be in giving as you receive from Him. He will lead you. He will impress on your heart what you are to do and illuminate your path. He will teach you and comfort you and counsel you. You will hear His voice through His word, His love letter to you. Jesus is the word. He will speak to your heart as He writes His word there. He will give you a love for His creation and teach you to create beauty as you enjoy Him. You will begin to see His glory everywhere in everything. You will come to know His character. But He will always surprise you. He will widen your tent and stretch your faith. Give you ministry and power to tell others who they are and about this Jesus and Savior and Father who united you with them with their Spirit. Through Christ. About this love relationship with the Trinity. He will give you the words and tell you when to listen. When to ask for forgiveness and when to speak the truth in love.
He will call you to worship Him in the oddest of times. Your heart will long to worship them in Spirit and Truth. It will not be just on Sunday but it will be a part of your everyday life. He will call you to honor and adore Him for who He is and what He has done. You will lift Him up. Your burdens will fall off like rain. He will sustain you and bring you much joy. Lifting you above your circumstances to a life of faith and trust. You will never be the same. You will begin to see Him for who He truly is. He will be the most important person in your life.
These are just some of the things the Spirit is making true in my heart. What do you believe?
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Spot on sis!