Thursday, December 19, 2019

Are There Christmas Trees in Heaven?

I began the first of the year by leaving my heavenly Father to find out who I really am. My thoughts were much like the Prodigal son but it seemed so innocent.  I said I will be back Father.  I packed up my  all the beautiful assurances He had given me in Jesus. I hoped to use my creative gifts what ever they might have been just to enjoy God.  I thought I was just looking for things like what is my style, what kind of clothes do I like and the hair style I might feel comfortable with.  Grey, died, short or long.

Little did I know this was a prophecy.  These things I packed up was what I needed to deal with the year that was before me.  I was even vague in my true spiritual identity which is who I am in Christ.

This year seems so long and difficult and then I remember the joyous times through it all.   There were days I wondered can God even use me.  One of the things I have hated about my struggles was not having the strength I thought I needed to serve others and God.  I saw that one thing I could do with no energy was to pray.  Many times on my knees beside my bed and then continuing as I laid in my bed.

Last night with the same struggles I laid on my bed and as I turned over I saw through the windows my Christmas tree.  It was such a gift and encouragement to me as the lights twinkled before me. I wondered will there be Christmas trees in heaven.

 I have hated being pulled to sleep so much and not having strength I thought I needed to do what I thought made a good day.  I would pray Lord give me the heart and the strength to do your good will.  There is so much to making life a good day.  Just to enjoy God and others begins it for me.

God is an extravagant giver as He gave us Jesus.

 His Son.

In the midst of this year God has loved me even in tangible ways through it all.  How can someone like me be a good gift to Jesus.  It is Christ that makes us worthy.

 One thing that came to me is God angry at me.  I realized He does discipline us but it is more like giving us ways to live, be freed and imitate Jesus love to others for Gods family.   I once heard God never says no unless He gives us better.  My mind might be hearing a lie and low and behold God would bless me.  Gods blessings is not earned but is a gift.

During this time of psychosis I thought this is just a dream or a nightmare.  What I have come to know is we are but little children looking to our wonderful Heavenly Father to meet our needs in ways we never imagined.  Through this time I saw how God is with and for us even in the midst of the lies we may hear and the struggles of living in a fallen world with sinner Saints like me.  Realizing this family love of God has brought me to a new realization of love and accepting discipline, or training,  is what true love is.  No one knows and loves us more that God, our Heavenly Father, Jesus and Spirit.  We are beautiful gifts to Jesus and Jesus to us, even if all we see is His grace, that defines us, carries us and sustains us.

This past weekend I drug myself through a wonderful time with my daughter and other family members.  As we drove through the beautiful mountains to the display of Ginger Bread Houses.  There was an amazing rainbow all across the sky.  Seeing Gods love displayed in ways that I never thought was possible.


I was like a little lamb that found my safety near my good Shepard.  My confidence was in Jesus finding me.  Friends and family surrounded me with love, prayers and serving me in ways that was beyond anything I have ever known.  This year has taken me further than my faith could go...In many ways I feel like God is strengthening my faith.

As I fought to just feel safe in the midst of all this I realized it was at the foot of the cross. What kind of radical love which is Jesus... By the still waters.  Underneath my Gods wings. In the cliff of the rock. I cried out over and over for the truth of this love to give me a deep assurance as I prayed daily for Christ mind, His strength, His broken heart and love.  The Spirit helped me in ways I could have never made it through it all.  It has been a beautiful deliverance when I look at others and Jesus, Father and Spirit in spite of  how difficult I have been to love. Seeing Gods love and His grace has been magical.

I have come to see that we all are alike.  We all need each other to encourage and speak truth to us.  To be Gods love for us.  Christ gave His love for us in sacrifice.  He did not come as we expected but as a shepherd boy, riding on a donkey and in a manger.  He is the one who is humble and victorious in heart.  He is mighty to save.  He is a warrior who fights for me.

.  We all struggle with fear and doubt. We all are prone to wander from our loving Shepard. We all need deliverance.   Jesus will leave the 99 that are secure in His love and come after the one that has stepped out of His protection but never out of His love as He gently guides us back to safety in His loving care giving Him our heart and trusting Him to bring us back.  I believe it breaks God, Jesus heart for us to doubt His love and our love for Him...I have learned to pray for Gods will remembering How powerful, mighty and kind is the love of God.   If God be for us in Jesus who can be against us.

May we cling to one another and Jesus and know this battle we are all in is not some easy Hallmark story.  It is real, it is painful and it can be joyful...Merry Christmas everyone.  May we see Jesus in even more glorious, powerful and wonderful ways this holiday season...and shout it from the rooftops..

Just for memory sake a few pictures from Christmas at Ford Farms...
From our house to yours Merry Christmas

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

"Celebrating Motherhood"


God loves using imperfect women to care for His imperfect world.

I have been thinking about womanhood and how God has used women in my life and the lives of my children.

 I had such joy in being a mother to my four children.  It was what I wanted most in life was to be a good mom. No one could love their children more than me.  It is one of the greatest gifts the Father has given me, my four children.  It was a desire of my heart that I have been blessed with in such a wonderful way.

Grace upon grace showers my mothering.  I was a young mother, my first child was stillborn when I was 21.  My heart goes out to all mothers who have lost their children.  Our second child was born one year later.   I knew so little about being a good mom then.

 I think we all have felt we have failed as a mother at some point in our lives.   It is Gods grace that allows us to see that we can't mess up so much in our roles as mother that God cannot make something beautiful out of our mistakes.   We are not perfect as mothers but it does not mean we do not love our children dearly.

I now see that our children are only given to us by God for a short while and then they are on their own.  They are His children first.   I did not understand fully how God wanted to help me parent my children. He wants to partner with us as a parent, trust Him in our parenting, and teach them Gods ways.  The pressure of parenting is lessened when we trust God with our children.  It is easier to love our children just as they are and who God has created them to be.  It brings joy to the precious opportunity and blessing God has given us as mothers to not only parent our own children but also help others parent in the family of God.

We as a body of Christ are in one family.  It is our joy to help each other raise each others children for the glory of God and His kingdom.  What a beautiful picture we have as we unite together in this practical picture that God has given us of His family.  Womanhood is Gods way of caring for His family whether you have children or not.   We are adopted into this family of God that God loves with all His heart.  He is our Abba.   Being a woman is beautiful.  There is no higher calling than to help mother and nurture and care for Gods future kingdom.

So happy Mothers Day to every woman out there.  To single moms.  I applaud you.  You are brave.  I want to encourage you ladies who long for children of your own.  There are woman who would love, love, love for you to come along side them in parenting.  Be encouraged.  Take a little love and come alone side these women and their children.  Even teenagers need a woman when they may struggle the most.  You have much wisdom to offer as a single woman or even an older mother.  Move into a woman's need for help in raising her children with your gifts as a woman.  You will bless her more than you can imagine.  To those of you who chose adoption.  How precious is this that you would give a child a loving home.  Just like our "Father"in heaven, who has adopted us.  To those mothers who foster children.  Your hearts are gold.  It is a precious calling.

  My children were far apart in age so it was like I had two families.   I was so blessed by those who came into my children's lives when my girls got older.  Like my husbands sister.  My sister.  My daughters friend from church taught her so much. A student that was there and has been there also later in my daughters and my life.  My daughters spiritual moms have meant a lot to her and these women have been such a blessing to me.   Our good friends in Arkansas were good friends to me and help with son when I began to be sick.  I also had  two sitters at one time to make sure my girls who were older and my son.  It was my goal to leave my children as little as possible.  At times the sitters would go with me with the children.  We did so much together as a family when they were young.

 I want to remember the women who were good friends to me.  We raised our children together.  Most of these woman are still in my life today.  I remember a group of us praying for our children, their lives, their mates, Gods plans for them and their love for God from the time they were born.  They encouraged me to take time for me. At that time it just added to the long list of things that needed to be done.  I actually thought it was selfish.  But I have come to see that you can't care for those you love if you do not care for your own needs first.  The body and the mind can only bare so much.

The time with your children can seem like a lifetime but it passes so fast.  I have wonderful memories of my children.  Their uniqueness, their laughter and the memories of their childhood brings me such joy just remembering.  I loved nursing my children.  But found out it is not for every child.  I nursed all my children watching them sleep in my arms.   I wanted to give my children a good start.  I do think the bonding of feeding your own children is important as much as you can however you can.

This paragraph was a gift to me from God in remembering my own children's childhood.
You are welcome to skip over my memories

I wanted my children to see me praying to God and studying Gods word.  They were in church almost 3 times a week.  We loved our churches.  As a coaches wife I was both mother and father during that time.  The job of college coaching was so demanding during those years. There was no limit on the time they worked or recruited or practiced.   I disciplined my children and loved them with all my heart.  I tried to find what they were good at and allowed them only one activity because of having four children.  I remember us playing games like Monopoly and pick up sticks and cards like Uno.  Singing songs together.  I use to play the piano when I was a child.  Two of my daughters also took piano lessons.  I wanted music to be a part of my kids lives.  I remember our vacations to Hilton Head.  The kids diving and finding sand dollars.  My son and my daughter tried playing golf.  One daughter and son loved soccer and baseball.  This daughter actually saved one of her friends life in the pool.  This daughter works with aging and is a christian counselor.  She works with teenagers at church.  The other two were cheerleaders.  They were all athletic in some way.  One daughter was our entertainer.  She loved baby sitting.  Until this day she helps those less fortunate than herself and loves her children. She is very creative.  One was a great swimmer and a life guard and worked at summer camps as a counselor.  She now is in sales and does a great job.  She is such a good friend and has a wonderful son.  They loved skiing.  I use to take them water skiing when they were children and teenagers at a time when we lived on the lake.  Water, music, sports, church was a big part of my children's life.  I wanted to keep my children in healthy activities.  My girls were all in dancing.  Not so sure my youngest liked it.  She didn't like the recitals or the cute costumes.  My son loved skate boarding.  I remember trying it myself with him and his friends.  My son learned roping from an early age.  We travel far for him to rope just 7 seconds.  He was the 4th in the country in steer wrestling.  He loves farming hemp and his cattle until today.  I wanted to teach my children Gods ways as we went about our day.

My children are survivors.  They know people.  They have taught me a lot about people.  They have had lots in their lives and they have had little.  They work hard at what they are good at.  I see the fruits of their raising in what they are good at as adults.  I see the good in all my children of me and their father and even their grandparents.  I wish I had known then more of what I know today of being a good mother.  My mothering is all of grace and lots of love.

I use to think I wanted to keep my children in a glass bubble.  To protect them from pain.  It was the way I was raised.  I had an ideal childhood.  I was so innocent as a young mother.  We as mothers are more able to protect our children when our children are young and are under our care but it is unrealistic to think we can protect them all of their lives.  Teach your children how to live in a fallen world.  We suffer when our children suffer.  We rejoice when they rejoice.

One of the things I failed at as a mother was not talking to my children about their fears, their dreams and their goals in life.  I did not know as a young mother how to listen to their hearts.  This was foreign to me until they became older.  I did not know I had the Holy Spirit to help me raise my children.  My children helped me with the cooking and the taking care of the younger ones.  I thought I was equipping the girls to be good moms and wives and women.  My son was born later in life.  He was such a joy to me because I was older and had more time to enjoy him as a baby and a young boy.  He spent a lot of time on the farm with his dad.  He loves it until this day.  He is a farmer.  Helping his dad.  Much changed for my children, especially my son, he was the youngest, when I began to struggle with mental issues.  He was the youngest of four sisters.  I use to say he had 4 mothers and laugh.

Some of my children, as they became adults have cared for me, when I was sick.   I have caused all my children more pain than I want to admit, during that time.  They have care for me.  We have all learned to love and forgive each other.  This is the beauty of the Gospel.  The gift of repentance and faith.  Agreeing with God that you are wrong and accept His and others forgiveness.  Maybe sharing how they have hurt you.

Being a mother is a sacrifice.  It is being willing to let your children be mad at you.  It is pointing them to the one perfect parent God.  Who helps us in raising our children.   It is trusting in God to be faithful in the lives of your children.  Being used by God to build His Kingdom is no greater calling for a woman.  God brought value to all women in the bible as we see mothers and women being used in major ways in the bible and in precious relationships with Jesus.  Jesus honored, loved and cared for  His own mother even until His death on the cross.  This is how much God loves using women to care for His creation.

There is only one Perfect Parent and it is God, our Father.  God is shaped in our children's lives first by the kind of parent we are both Father and Mother.  Teaching our children God is a loving Father who also corrects us is a good beginning.  He breaks down walls to come after us.  He is jealous for our hearts.  But at the same time is patient and kind and long suffering with us.  He also rejoices when we rejoice.  He weeps when we weep.  He wants our trust and we have His unconditional love. He is the one Person who knows us fully but loves us completely.   It was the Father who gave His only Son that we might come into His family of love.  What amazing love is this!

 I miss my own, wonderful Mom, this Mothers Day especially!  I wish I had lived closer and had more time with her after my children were born.  We all did the best we could.  She had such a positive affect on my life and the lives of my children.  I see a lot of my parents giftedness in my children and now even in me.   May I be such a mem to my own grandchildren, whom I love dearly.

I hope you have had a Happy Mothers Day ladies.  Remembering the good in your own mother or the woman who raised you.  Love your world well...

Friday, April 5, 2019

Wanting to know more who God is and who I am.

The first of this year I began a journey...I wanted to know God more and me more.  I think this is basic to christianity as well as a healthy life.

As you may know I have been taking a break from writing here sense the first of the year.  I am not quiet sure when I will write again on the blog.  Just check by if you will...

Learning to take care of me.  Being kind to myself.  Doing things for me, does not come natural for me.  Rest when I need to.  See good friends.  Taking time again to journal.  Ask for prayer.  Eat good food.  Learning to relax.

Wanting to love me more as Jesus says, we are to love others as ourselves,  but still consider others more valuable than me.  I use to think, when my children were young, that taking time for me was selfish.  I have come to realize that  a mother needs to take care of herself... to be there for her family.

We have such a good, good Father and that is where I have begun my search.  In seeing God can use us and we are beautiful children of God.  We are beggars leading other beggars to bread...we are the very children of God.  If only we could depend on God and trust Him as a little child.

Finding peace of Christ in my heart and mind has been another focus.  I am in a bible study of wonderful christian women.  Not on the computer nearly as much.  Off twitter for the most part. I hope you will follow me on Instagram.  Posting some of my home and the changes I am making.  Along with a few fun things. I have been doing some decluttering in my home and trying to lighten things up for Spring.  Organizing things and finding less is best.  It has been fun.  I hope to have some new projects.  Use mostly what I have.  I am enjoying using things that are meaningful to me.  Spending very little in the few things I might purchase.  My new love is caring for plants.  Maybe even a small garden...who knows at this point.

In this journey, I have seen how attached we can get to the things of this world.  My prayer is to be focused on God, especially during this time.  I have come to understand we can see Jesus in the midst of our relationships.  Enjoying God through creativity and His creation. Cows in my back yard, birds that I can't keep fed are such a joy to me.  Hearing the true voice of God though His word and the illumination of my mind, in the midst of my psychosis, is a challenge I did not expect.  God is showing up in places and ways I did not expect.  Finding I am not as plyable nor humble nearly as much as I need to be to have it Gods way not mine.   I am enjoying His word more than ever.  Getting back to basics.

I have plans to begin exercising with my group on Mon.  Starting a new small group at church.  I would like to take a painting class.  See an airplane fly.  Not be guided by fear but by the Spirit.

 As always I know God can and does interrupt our plans as we give Him this freedom.

I am hoping to find a fuller life and love people better through this search.  Maybe as Jesus loves, is my desire.

This is a bit of an update.  Looking forward to seeing you and hearing your comments on Instagram and here.

He placed HIs love on me. It is that love that is seeing me through...

Dear friends I have prayed for you many times that you may not lose heart. Phil 4:13 Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through a...

"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7