It seems to me the world is searching for their identity. I read the number one problem in the life of the Christian is they do not know who they are. I also have read repeatedly that the main problem in the life of the mental ill is they do not feel they have any value.
Daily on social media people brag or boast about who they are, what they have, what they have done. All looking for significance, worth and value from their new born baby, marriage, most beautiful, new job, home, and on and on we cling to any and everything to feel good about ourselves.
I remember finding value in that I was the wife of a winning coach or beautiful and intelligent and talented children. My family was my identity. How many of us brag on our awards, our promotions, or the next book written.
I once heard it said the alcoholic knows he is an alcoholic when you take his drink away. We will know if we struggle with our identity when it is taken away.
We are told that we have value and worth because of the blood of Jesus. That we are new creations in Christ. No one is justified by the works of the law but because of faith in Christ and what He has done for us. His love for us is what should make our hearts sing and dance with joy. It is the only thing that cannot be taken away. Gods love for us.
I beg you to not cling to your successes or your failures. Your sins are remembered no more. When the Father looks at you He sees the lasting, beautiful, holiness and righteousness of Christ. You please the Father by trusting in His Son. It is that faith in Jesus that pleases Him. It is there you will find peace of mind and value and worth. It is there you see your purpose is to glorify Jesus in a life of trusting in Him alone.
It is not I who live but Christ who lives in me. I boast in Christ and Him crucified.
Learning to glorify God through His gifts and enjoy Him... not find my identity in them or our accomplishments or lack of importance in our defeat has been the difference in peace and joy. I love my family but they do not determine my worth. They are much more valuable that anything they could possibly do. They are mine. I love them and think they are wonderful no matter what.
My husband was a national championship coach and today he is a cattle farmer. I love him more each and everyday. I am in awe of his accomplishments but more amazed in the wonderful person he is to me by how much more there is to this man that I never knew. My children become more beautiful in themselves and their gifts. They are my best friends. I adore them and am so very blessed. They have taught me what real love is and who Jesus is more each and every day.
I may struggle but I enjoy my life and my friends and family more than I ever thought possible. I know who I am and who they are. Seeing the beauty and wonder of God in who we are is so much greater than holding on to what we do or have to feel important about ourselves. It is the most unstable thing we can do.
My husband was a national championship coach and today he is a cattle farmer. I love him more each and everyday. I am in awe of his accomplishments but more amazed in the wonderful person he is to me by how much more there is to this man that I never knew. My children become more beautiful in themselves and their gifts. They are my best friends. I adore them and am so very blessed. They have taught me what real love is and who Jesus is more each and every day.
I may struggle but I enjoy my life and my friends and family more than I ever thought possible. I know who I am and who they are. Seeing the beauty and wonder of God in who we are is so much greater than holding on to what we do or have to feel important about ourselves. It is the most unstable thing we can do.
When we start to live out of who we are instead of what we do or have life is so much more depth than we can ever imagine. God brings surprises and joy and miracles we never imagined. Gods love and acceptance and security gives you a boldness to see others and life in ways you have never seen before. It is the world through Jesus. It is spectacular in every breath of His creation. We can never find identity apart from our creator with the lasting joy and peace and assurance found in Him. It is a gift unfolded.
When it is no longer about you or for you, it is in His power and for His glory. It is a life full of love for others in a way you thought you never could. Your selfishness begins to fade and Jesus life begins to be lived through you. It is Him others see and what wonders He does as you find your identity in Him.